Sunday 27 February 2011


We've made it from Bangkok to Kolkata in India, and made it overland via Bodhgaya, where Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, important place for Michael, with a backbreaking rickshaw journey there and back, and then on to mysterious Varanasi on the banks of the Ganges. Meeting many friendly people along the way. More details and photos coming soon. Train tickets for Machu Picchu confirmed. Heading off now to observe the funeral rites on the ghats, and to look at some temples. 

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Yapilopi. The travel mascot.

For more photos of our adventure. You can check out the blog of our mascot - Yapilopi, on

Full moon party, part 2.

This has to be photo of the journey, so far. The beach was full of revellers, fire dancers everywhere. As the night progressed there was less and less walking in a straight line, people walking around with beach buckets full of spirits, and everybody dancing on the beach under the moonlight. A surreal, magical, often humorous experience.

Party bracelets.

This just about sums it up.

Full moon party, part 1.

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Fast boat!

We stood on the bow, for the whole journey across to Koh Phangan, another island in the Gulf of Thailand.

It was like "Titanic" but with a decent engine, and cuter actors.

Michael tried to sing like Celine Dion, but the other passengers didn't appreciate it.

Nice sunset.

When it got dark and they threw on the searchlight, there were fish jumping into the beam.

Amazing little voyage.

Arriving in Koh Tao.

This looks promising.....

Street dogs of Thailand, part 1.

Along with the many Buddhist messages in Thailand, one can also learn the art of relaxing and letting go from the noble street dogs. It's hard to define whether these cutely crumpled guys actually belong to somebody as they seem to gravitate between several places within a certain radius.

That's what I call 'Gelassenheit'.

Night train to Chumphon.

Jolly nice, the Thai trains. Very comfortable, and quite exciting, as the driver seems to be a former roller-coaster operator. It's at times like that you get the notion that there is a higher being taking care of you.

I swear the train was jumping on the tracks in places. La la la!

Breakfast at 03:30 Chumphon. Cubic pancakes. Didn't see that before.

Let's get physical.

Well, after 2 days not sleeping, what we needed was some exercise.

We tried to sleep in this lovely little park, as one does in Europe on a hot sunny day. But there was this little guy on a scooter who kept on doing the rounds and prodding us awake. Dangnabbit!

A little bit of Buddha.

This was the first Wat (temple complex) that we visited. Lots of gold, but tastefully done.

Later we went to Wat Pho. Famous for it's lying Buddha. It symbolizes the state of Nirvana.

Part of the Wat Pho temple complex. Ain't never seen buildings like that before.

Okay, here we go with some photos.

First airline food. Etihad. Very nice.

Weary Travellers at Hualaphong railway station. Okay, let's go.

 We didn't figure out how to rotate pictures yet. So here is a great little alleyway eatery in Chinatown in Bangkok.

 Yummy little fishballs noodle soup. The only thing on the menu.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Safely arrived in Thailand....

What a 3 days that has been. Arrived early morning in Bangkok. Checked in our bags to the station where a movie was being filmed, then went off to explore some gorgeous temples, ride the water busses, and meander through the narrow backstreets of china town. Then a quick cold shower at the station, then the night train to Chumphon, very comfortable despite the driver thinking he was running a roller-coaster. Then a catamaran across to Koh Tao, checking into a lovely guest house on the most beautiful bay I have ever seen. Then a quick sleep and then another fast catamaran to Koh Phanghan island for the all night full moon party. Wow! That was a blast. Then back in the early morning to Koh Tao, a quick sleep then renting a scooter and going off discovering other beaches. A quick swim and then back for delicious dinner of green curry and pad thai. Sleeping soon. Tomorrow is a snorkeling tour. Quite a lot for 3 days. Oyasumi nasai. Photos coming soon.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Champagne and cakes.

Well that's very nice. On the first leg of our flight, because it's our honeymoon, the flight attendants gave us some nice lemon meringue pies and champagne. All safe in Abu Dhabi. Flight to Bangkok leaving soon. The stress of planning is falling away. Starting to enjoy it. Maybe the champagne is helping.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Monday 14 February 2011

Passports and Packing!

Our passports have materialised, so we are good to go. Indian trains are booked, some of them waitlisted, but we have a plan B for those. The Thailand train down to Koh Tao is organised. We have found a lovely little hotel in Kathmandu a short walk from the centre of things.

Rucksacks are nearly packed. Just need to reduce the volume a little bit. Do we really need that emergency inflatable row-boat?

Just have to tie up a few loose ends in the next couple of days.

Even starting to relax and get excited.

Friday 11 February 2011

Hats and Sunglasses!

Well, we've got the most important travel equipment, our hats and our sunglasses.

All we need now is our passports!

Hopefully things go well at the Indian Consulate today...