Sunday 20 February 2011

Safely arrived in Thailand....

What a 3 days that has been. Arrived early morning in Bangkok. Checked in our bags to the station where a movie was being filmed, then went off to explore some gorgeous temples, ride the water busses, and meander through the narrow backstreets of china town. Then a quick cold shower at the station, then the night train to Chumphon, very comfortable despite the driver thinking he was running a roller-coaster. Then a catamaran across to Koh Tao, checking into a lovely guest house on the most beautiful bay I have ever seen. Then a quick sleep and then another fast catamaran to Koh Phanghan island for the all night full moon party. Wow! That was a blast. Then back in the early morning to Koh Tao, a quick sleep then renting a scooter and going off discovering other beaches. A quick swim and then back for delicious dinner of green curry and pad thai. Sleeping soon. Tomorrow is a snorkeling tour. Quite a lot for 3 days. Oyasumi nasai. Photos coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I'm the first one to read/comment this...

    Well, it's cold in FFM..I'm least it looks like a calm graveyard shift for me tonight :)

    Travel save!

    MFG Sebastian
