Friday 20 May 2011

Heading to Chitwan - Elephant Jungle Safari.

Must be one of the best views in the whole world, from a Bus park.
We set off early towards Chitwan in the south of Nepal.

On the way, we stopped off at an eccentric little truck stop place, where they had a real egg tree.

Charming home decoration in Chitwan, near to the place where we stayed.

Parking garage for Elephants.

The start of our safari.

Our dangling legs on the back of an Elephant.

Each elephant was decorated in a different style.

If you look very closely there is an aligator waiting to pounce.

Suddenly we heard lots of shouts and commotion, and all the elephant drivers were getting very serious and excited.
We had found a mother Rhino and her baby.

They were somewhat overwhelmed by the brouhaha.

A gateway in Chitwan town.

Our home for the night.

Pokhara 4. Tibetan Monastery and Sunsets.

We travelled out to a Tibetan monastery situated in a refugee community in the hope of witnessing a ceremony. However we were there at the time of a festival and all the monks had travelled away to other monasteries. But we could enjoy the wonderful temple decoration.

Then on our last evening in Pokhara, we settled down at a cafe next to the lake and watched it getting dark.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Pokhara 3: Going downhill.

Welcome to the cheap seats

This is the way down the mountain. It turned out to be very hard work for the legs.

We were up there!!!

Busy farmers.

Phewa Lake.

Mud! Mud! Glorious mud!

A very well deserved breakfast.