Wednesday 30 March 2011

Altitude sickness and a very big lake.

Kiyomi is a superstar!!

She suffered really bad Soroche, or Altitude Sickness during our time at Lake Titicaca. Some 3800 metres above sea level. It was really scary and hard going for her at times. But by taking it slow and with a little bit of help from local herbal remedies, she made the trip to the floating islands and to two solid islands on the lake.

We had a lovely homestay on one island, and lived with a local farming family, and enjoyed local food. In the evening we went to the village hall and tried some local dancing, Michael wearing a poncho. Very Clint Eastwood.

Michael also had some symptoms of soroche when trying to sleep. A series of short breaths and then his breathing stopping before suddenly gulping down a lungful of air. But that was very light compared to what Kiyomi went through. Well done her!

Titicaca is truly enormous. It disappears off the edge of the horizon in every direction. The distant mountains look like they are floating there.

We tried the local speciality of Alpaca, very yummy. They don't just make great sweaters.

But glad to be down at sea level now.

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