Monday 14 March 2011

Disaster!!! Well that's everything somewhat messed up!!! Flight missed!!!

So, our 2 hour train journey to the airport became an 8.5 hour helltrip including authentic Japanese sardine-can train squash, wrestling with salary-men to get up to a platform (Michael won), and being stranded for an hour when the power cut out on our train.

So of course we arrived some 3 hours late for our flight, and the airline workers decided to knock-off work 5 minutes early, so we missed them, and their call centre didn't bother to pick up. One would think in crisis situation that one would have one's workers stay on a bit longer to help stranded passengers. I will reveal the name of the airline if they don't pull their socks up.

So, we will now miss our connecting flights.

However TACA/LACSA airlines have a very helpful live chat service and we may be able to book or cancel those.


I'm sure we will find an answer.

Ideas tips and suggestions gladly received. We have 10 hours until the airline workers come back.

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