Friday 25 March 2011

Machu Picchu


We arrived safely in Cuzco, after a brief stop in La Paz in Bolivia. It looks beautiful in the morning as the sun is rising, we took a taxi ride to the airport that winds round and up the edge of the bowl of the valley.

Then after a terrifyingly late bus to Ollantaytambo we managed to catch our train to Machu Picchu Pueblo.

The landscape during the bus journey was like a mixture of Tuscany, the Scottish highlands and the Norwegian mountains. Peru is very beautiful.

 Very nice train full of friendly Americans, and cute airline style food served in baskets. Michael is developing a taste for Inca Cola.

We woke up before sunrise this morning and headed up to Machu Picchu.

It truly is an amazing, breathtaking (in many senses of the word) place.

We spent many hours wandering around there marvelling at the gorgeous views. Then we decided to brave the climb of Wayna Picchu. Truly a challenging and precarious climb. The views from the top were astounding.

After we went to the hot springs here to soak our tired bones.

Taking the evening train back to Ollantayambo tonight.

Very tired.....again. Zzzzzzzzz......

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