Wednesday 30 March 2011

Down from Puno to Lima.

We took a night bus, with very comfy seats down from Puno to Lima. A marathon 24 hour journey.

We woke up at dawn to the alien landscape that the pan-american highway runs through, with desert and mountains on one side and the ocean on the other. Unsettling and beautiful at the same time.

Later we passed through Nascar, although we didn't have the opportunity to see the famous lines.

Next time.

Now we are settled in a lovely hostel near to Lima airport recovering from high places and getting ready for our flight tomorrow morning to Mexico.

It's amazing how precious a peaceful place and a hot shower can become.

Kiyomi played her first game of Pool tonight, and did really well, and we knocked around a ping-pong ball for a while and hung out in some hammocks. Nice place, with the usual Peruvian hospitality, friendliness and warmth.

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