Wednesday 16 March 2011

A nice quiet evening in San Jose. Kolkatta photos.

There are people dancing Tango outside in the garden. We have tummys full of Tacos and Burritos, so let's catch up with some photos.

This was our first hotel in India, in Kolkata. Try to guess what these things on the ceiling are for. It was an interesting hotel with lots of men conspiring something on the ground floor, and one of the reception workers insisting to take our photos on his mobile phone.

As is common in India, our Taxi driver didn't really know where our hotel was. So after an hour of driving around and asking many people, we finally found it. During that time, Michael thought he saw 2 men carrying a dead body.
We found this market the next morning, near to the railway station.

Monkey in a dress.

Kolkata is the last place in India to have foot-drawn rickshaws. We couldn't find the cafe we were looking for so this guy took us there - barefoot. Most of these guys are low caste and sleep on the street. We gave him a big tip.

The famous Indian Coffee house.

The Victoria Monument.

In the evening we saw a wonderful lights and fountain show in a park.

Some trash cans from a scary childhood.
We then went on to the station to catch our night train to Gaya....which departed 3 hours late. But it was interesting to see as what seemed like half the city set up beds in the station to sleep.

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